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BENCH TO BEDSIDE The new Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute has been awarded a $20 million federal grant to streamline the process of turning laboratory research discoveries into widely used drugs, therapies, and clinical practices. full story

VET SHORTAGE The Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine has released a study concluding that New England faces a potential shortage of more than 600 veterinarians in six years. “Veterinary programs across the country are increasing enrollment to try and address the need for more graduates, especially in underserved areas such as food animal medicine and public health,” says the school’s dean, Deborah T. Kochevar. full story

INNOVATE OR ELSE The United States must encourage continual technological advances, William Wulf, the president emeritus of the National Academy of Engineering, told a Tufts audience at the annual Engineering Dean’s Lecture. “Darwin said it’s not the strongest that survive but the ones most adaptable to change,” he noted. full story

ENGAGING NORTH KOREA After years of hostility toward North Korea, the U.S. needs to return to a “sunshine policy” of open discussions with Pyongyang to improve prospects for peace in northeast Asia, the former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung told an audience at the Fletcher School. full story

CLIMATE COSTS If global warming continues at its current pace, the U.S. will likely need to spend at least $1.9 trillion annually by century’s end to pay for hurricane damage, real-estate losses, and higher energy and water use, say researchers at the Global Development and Environment Institute and the Stockholm Environmental Institute at Tufts. full story

SAVING CELLS The Tufts biochemist Alexei Degterev has found a way to deter cell destruction that occurs during heart attacks and other traumas. “If we can keep cells alive until the trauma has passed, we may be able to significantly reduce some of these injuries,” he says. full story

TOXIC WEEDKILLER Atrazine, a common herbicide used to control weeds on golf courses and residential lawns, disrupts the normal growth of tadpoles when they are exposed to the substance, atrazine, in the early stages of life, according to a study led by the Tufts biologist Kelly A. McLaughlin. full story

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