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Summer 2003


Tufts Vets
I can attest to the compassion and technical expertise of Tufts-trained vets (“All Creatures, One Medicine,” fall 2003). When my cat Molly became ill, Jeff Kaplan, V86, of Metro Cat Hospital, carefully walked me through the clinical tests and procedures that would show if she had lymphoma, as he suspected. All the while, his focus was on her distress and comfort. Unhappily, his diagnosis was correct, and I made the difficult decision to have her put to sleep. This sweet animal was my friend and companion for 12 years, and I remain grateful to Dr. Kaplan for his sensitivity to her suffering.

Linda Howe
Belmont, MA

Thank you so much for the article on the Talloires campus (“Talloires Journey,” fall 2003) and the memories it brought back. I was the handyman/gardener there for the summers of 1981 and 1982, bookending my junior year in Paris, and, much as I loved grad school and now teaching, it was the best job of my life. Each day, I’d go to town at 7 a.m. to fetch fresh baguettes for the Prieuré breakfast; I’d get off at 3 p.m. in time to go swimming in one of Europe’s purest lakes or to climb the mountains. Of course, I worked hard—getting a backache dusting the very high wooden-beamed ceilings, bleaching mildew out of the older bathrooms, digging out the grotto, and finding animal bones in the walls. But the fun was homemade eau de vie with the locals, talking about American politics with a farmer who lived solo with his flock in the mountains, and going out for raclette at the mountaintop restaurant at Col de La Forclaz. But, the importance of Talloires is not its past, but its future. I hope as many Tufts students as possible get a chance to go and experience one of the most inspiring places in Europe.

Dan Lindley, A84
Notre Dame, IN

“Talloires Journey” is a worthy accolade to a program that inspires an increasing portion of the Tufts community every year. As an alumnus of the program, I, too, recognize the Talloires journey as a capstone experience of my Tufts education. In addition to promoting a deeper level of cultural awareness and a greater understanding of international discourse, the Talloires programs constantly evolve to provide students with a fresh perspective on global affairs. The enriching journey acknowledged by this article is one that places an emphasis on cross-cultural interaction, with invaluable lessons akin to the looming mountains and steadfast waters of Talloires—they endure.

Adam Schoene, A04
North Andover, MA
Interesting times
What an interesting interview with Donald Byrd (“Beyond Words,” summer 2003). The Tufts drama department must have been an inspirational place to be in the late 1960s to have thrown up two fascinating truth-seekers like Donald Byrd and William Hurt. They both have such artistic integrity and a commitment to look for the truth and authenticity in life.

Gillian Burrage
Queensland, Australia
Why all the fuss?
The “Letters” column in the latest Tufts Magazine reveals a viewpoint (“Point of Contention” and “An Issue of Grammar,” fall 2003) I had not expected to encounter in the ranks of Tufts graduates. The comments suggest that the magazine might refrain from publication of material exhibiting some of the warts and imperfections that are apt to appear quite often whenever we speak or write with intensity or emotion. What’s wrong with words being published precisely as they were delivered? It would disappoint me only if they were not. The Tufts Magazines that I receive are the only periodicals I read from cover to cover, and I have yet to receive an issue that has not had at least one informative article that has helped me or a friend or acquaintance with respect to medical, dental, or veterinary medicine, and environmental problems. This is one top-notch production. The people who put this magazine together can be proud of their creation.

Robert C. Dick, A44
Castine, ME
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