
Vol. IX No. IV

Editor in Chief
Laura Ferguson

Michele Gouveia

Art Director
Kathy Sayre

Web Coordinator
Enza Vescera

Class Notes
Susan Pasternack

Student Assistants
Erin Katsirebas A03, web
Meredith Morley A02, editorial

Contributing Writers
Marjorie Howard, Craig LeMoult, Helene Ragovin, Paul Sweeney, C.F. Wolff

Contributing Photographers
Howard Kelley, Rose Lincoln, Ed Malitsky, Mark Morelli, George Riley

Director, Alumni Relations
Timothy D. Brooks

Tufts University Alumni Association

Executive Committee
Alan MacDougall, A65
Immediate past president
William R. O'Reilly Jr, A77
First vice president
Ann Palmieri, A78
Administrative vice presidents
Alison Breed, J66, G72
Ben Sands, E54
Regional vice presidents
J.J. Kwasnak, A88
David Meyers, A96
Eleanor Zeff, J65
Mark Alpert, A70
Rysia de Ravel d'Esclapon, J71
Augusta Heywood, F86, F92
Lorenzo Lepore, A74, D77
Carla Romney, E85, J85
Chris Goguen, A92
TUAA Secretary
Nancy Sardella

Tufts Magazine (USPS #619-420, ISSN #1535-5063) is published quarterly by the Trustees of Tufts University.

Direct magazine calls to 617-627-5324, fax 617-627-3938;
Direct alumni relations business to 1-800-THE-ALUM, fax 617-627-3938.
Send correspondence and class notes to Alumni House, 95 Talbot Avenue, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155.
Send address changes to Alumni Records, Packard Hall, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155.

Tufts Magazine is distributed without charge to alumni, parents of current undergraduates, and other members of the Tufts community. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA, and additional mailing addresses.
©2002 Trustees of Tufts University







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